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Trader Psychology

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:02 am
by Trader Question
Since the Drummond Geometry(DG) P&L Course considers trader/investor psychology to be a significant component, are there any supplemental and
complementary self help(inspirational, personal transformation, etc...) books that you can recommend for purchase? What is your opinion, if any,
about the Monroe Institute Hemi-Sync line of verbally guided and metamusic cd's? If you find them useful for traders, what specific titles do you


Re: Trader Psychology

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:03 am
by pldot
Charlie and I find that the work of Epictetus is incredibly helpful for a trader.
Suggest "A Manual for Living" trans Sharon Lebel (sp?)
In the books shipment due you in a day or so you will find "PsychoPapers " book, which has very useful (somewhat difficult though) work by Ouspensky. This warrants repeated readings, as does the Epictetus.

Both of these are solid, and will not lead you stray. The rest of the Psych Papers book contains a goldmine of info as well. It will also take several readings to digest. In the Lessons themselves there are sections on philosophy and Psychology (which I wrote) which are good and have helped many, if I judge from my mail.

I have listened to the Monroe Institute tapes in the past, and think that they have a quality product, but I stop short of recommending them at this time, as my head was in a quite different place when I used them and I am no longer certain that this is a productive route to take given the time/energy factors, etc. The trading hypnotism CD we are sending you (if we can get our production act together sufficiently to get it out the door) should be helpful along those lines, or so I am told by those who use it.