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Practicing DG Students

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:41 am
by Trader Question
I would greatly appreciate it if you would provide me with some web site addresses to former and present students of Drummond Geometry that provide market timing newsletters or advisory services. At present the only two that I know of who employ some Drummond Geometry in their methodology or trading systems are E. H. of Insiide Track and R. M. of MMA Cycles.


Re: Practicing DG Students

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:43 am
by pldot
I don't know of any newsletter writers that we would recommend, and in fact we would recommend against most all that I have seen.

We do not license the use of Drummond Geometry to any commercial newsletter writer and there are none that we would endorse formally or informally. We do not know of anyone writing newletters or commentary on Drummond Geometry, and if any are doing so they are either breaking a non-disclosure or writing without knowledge and hence not worth reading.

In my opinion there is no evidence that either M or H have significant understanding of the works that Drummond has written or of the work that Drummond and I have done; their writings that I have been able to see on the web do not indicate that they understand key concepts of the work but are merely mentions of the Drummond name or comments on a three-period moving average, etc. They are not students of Drummond or of the Lessons to my knowledge and as far as I know not had access to the work.

We teach that one is barking up the wrong tree to follow any analyst or newsletter writer or trading guru, including ourselves. The Lessons teach self-reliance and certain principles of market action, which however must be validatd according to the ancient principle "verify everything for yourself."

Be careful out there!