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A Student's Critique

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:00 pm
by Trader Question
Just reviewing the gif and rm of Charlie's 7-29-00 daily-weekly-monthly for S&P 500.

I've noticed on going through this review that he refers to monthly about 20 times when he should have said weekly .......chart, PL line, etc.

He had an off day. It requires a lot of mental focus to prepare those reviews, the wheat, the bonds, the S&P daily and intraday, etc.

Otherwise, this is a great review.
Also, it is desirable to state the obvious: that monthly is in congestion action. I think he mentions it at the end of this lesson but failed to do so for the preceding 5 lessons. It is obvious of course by inspection, but we need to tie in to the 30 main lessons and hammer away at what we should expect on the weekly, daily.

About colors, I recommend all monthly lines, and supp.and resist. areas be one color, say blue, and make the PL line thicker of course. Then overlays cannot be mistaken for weekly.  I make the overlays for 5/9, 5/2 5/1, 6/1 also the same color but thinnest line, dashed, not to confuse with top/bottom of supp./resist. also thinnest line, but full line not dashed, for overlay.


Re: A Student's Critique

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:02 pm
by pldot
Thanks for all this, and I basically agree on all points.

Charlie has his hands full these days and I sometimes wonder that he is able to speak at all.
But he just trundles along, and lets it all hang out.