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Lesson 6

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:23 am
by Trader Question
I'm still having trouble matching the exact appearance of the charts as shown in the lessons. I appreciate the template you sent but it's more involved than the simpler appearances that I've seen in these last couple of lessons. In Lesson 6, slide14 or 17, show the PLdots,PL Lines envelope top and bottom and the 11 high and low zones. I have gone into the Format Analysis techniques to try to duplicate the colors and appearance of the dots, line and high/low bars but I cannot seem to recreate them. I know that I can make them any color I choose, but initially for learning purposes I'd like my charts to match the lesson charts so that I am consistent and later I figure that I may change them to something else once I know what they all are and how they "act". I looked on the discussion group but didn't see anything showing the exact settings, probably because this is a beginners type of thought.


Re: Lesson 6

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:24 am
by pldot
You'll have to be specific about the settings you are having difficulty with, as there are many possibilities...

Re: Lesson 6

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:24 am
by Trader Question
I just want to duplicate the basics that are discussed in Lesson 6, slide 14 and 17 show them. I believe that I have added the proper indicators including the PLDots = DGBL 1-1 Dot (I assume this is the static PL Dot) , PL Line = DGBL Dot Live, Envelopes top/bottom = DGBL Envelope Live , the 11 High zone = DGBL 1-1 Res Zone, the 11 Low zone = DGBL 1-1 Sup Zone. On my attachment, the 5 minute chart in the bottom right of the screen contains these indicators, but they're appearance as far style and color does not look like the Lesson 6 material of either slide 14 or 17.

To expand on appearance I mean that I cannot seem to create a red dot with the white center for the PL dot, and the 11 High and Low zones do not appear as zone black lines with the white dashes contained within the lines. I realize that this probably seems extraordinarily picky, but I find it easier when learning to refer to the exact same type of chart that has been presented rather than trying to figure out if I'm looking at the same thing appearance wise.


Re: Lesson 6

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:25 am
by pldot
Re display issues. Each indicator has four plots, and each plot can be set individually as to thickness, style (dot, line, cross, right tick, etc.) Plot colors are "layered" on and are not transparent, and so if a larger thickness overlays a narrow thickness in different colors, and the layering is not in proper order, then it will be obscured, and you should reverse the ordering. To make plot disappear set the thickness to thinnest and set style to dot. Ordering differs with different releases of TS; this is back to front as I recall.

DGBL 1-1 dot refers to the 1-1 dot and not the Pldot. Your other selections are correct.
The ability to plot dotted vertical lines for the 1-1 high and low zones seems to have disappeared in TS8.2. There are a couple of other color-related bugs that we have seen with this release. Basically it is done by adding two sets of the indicator and plotting one with a solid color and the other with a dotted line.
Be sure that you set BK to -1 for all DGBL indicators; some of the defaults are wrong.

Re: Lesson 6

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:36 am
by Trader Question
I will try again to experiment and rearrange the settings and such so that the indicators are as similar to the lessons as I can get. What should probably take me only minutes if not seconds is taking an unusual amount of time to simply get the settings right and the indicators correct.

Are the settings for the DGBL 1-1 Res and Sup Zones suppose to be at -1 too? When I applied this value, my lines did not look anything like they were before which leads me to wonder about all indicator settings and if I have them correct from the file download you sent me?

Is the DGBL Dot Live the same thing as the PL Dot? If not, what is the precise nomenclature for the PL Dot?

Is there some specific reference list for all indicators and settings

that you have so that I can avoid confusion as to exactly what means what and also be able to double check what I have? Without a list I find myself spending a significant amount of time just trying to get my settings correct. Simply not knowing that all DGBL indicators should have had a BK set to -1 (as you have stated) would have obviously thrown me off and limited or eliminated the benefits of what I am trying to learn because I would never have known. Are there other values perhaps that I don't know need to be changed? I have no idea at the moment. I have concerns about this as reproducibility helps with consistency which in turn will build confidence in the proper use of the software. Yes, I am aware of my frustration building (self awareness as taught in the Psychology section), but I thought that the indicators would be all set and ready to go upon installation. Couple that with the fact that the indicators do not all seem to be set the same along with different versions of TradeStation and my unfamiliarity with all of the features and their settings is creating definite anxiety and confusion.

I checked the forums for current references but I don't see that anyone has posted anything on this matter.

I appreciate your help, but I feel like I am not making progress on the charts.


Re: Lesson 6

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:38 am
by pldot
==yes, DGBL set BK -1

===It is seeming that you did not read the instructions sent with the indicators. Did you print those out and read them? Nomenclature is covered therein...
DGB dot is static dot set BK to 0. DGBL is live dot set BK to -1.

==in aforementioned documentation. (See the Word *.doc file attached to email with original software sent to you. )

==users vary as to the setting they prefer and so we do not provide them outside of the defaults supplied with the indictors

==?? Others have little difficulty. These issues will resolve for you as you work through them one by one.

[==] You can send be graphic pictures of your setups, with the appropriate windows open on the screen, etc. Without that I have no idea as to the difficulty you might be experiencing. Use a screen capture program such as snagit for this, it is fast and accurate. see for this, if you choose....