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Questions after second review of Lessons

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:06 am
by Trader ???
I just completed my 2nd complete review of the lessons. Wow what a
difference in depth of understanding!!!

I wanted to thank you a second time for the brilliant effort you put
into the creation of those lessons. AWESOME

Only one point(out of 3,5670) of the lessons was not "chrystal clear".
Points of drawing reference of the corner line. Please expand.

From a software perspective, how do i put quartly refresh bands on my
monthly chart? I'm using symbol @EMD & possibly the problem may be
that the symbol hasn't been around long enough. Not sure.

Lastly, on my 15 min. chart i have an hourly envelope that is
partially covered over by my daily refresh areas. How do i get my
hourly chart to overlap the daily refresh areas? How do i control the
overlapping of any symbol for that matter?

Re: Questions after second review of Lessons

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:07 am
by pldot
Your experience with a second review is common; people take a giant step forward when they do this. I don't know if that says anything great about our teaching style but in any case it does show that there is a lot of good content there.

And thanks for your kind words, appreciated.

The corner line is not my favorite item, which is likely why I didn't spend much time on it.

The Corner line
The corner line is formation that links the isolated high or low formed by the congestion entrance bar and the trend reversal bar. It is rarely broken if the market moves into a trend run.

If the original trend reversal is valid, and has high energy, then it will affect any congestion action that it creates. Ex. In screen 28/112 of lesson 15 the corner line of the trend reversal created a strong block level in the following congestion.

This gives you the definition and example; I leave the supporting research to you.

Re quarterly refresh on monthly chart... Which software exactly are you dealing with in this question? To test if your data stream is not long enough, just substitute a symbol that has massive data, and see. I use $indu, the dow index, which goes back to the early 1900s somewhere. Set the data starting date to 1920 and see what your chart looks like with lots of data, then you can judge if data is your issue.

Re the "layering" of indicator plotting or painting.... TS 8.x puts the most recently added indicator underneath the less recently added. So to change that you can remove and re-add the indicators in a new order. Alternatively the new DG2c_Plot indicator gives you full and complete control over the layering process.