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Lessons 21-25 Comments

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:04 am
by Trader Question
As always you manage to exceed all expectations, building momentum the whole way through the Lessons. Very impressive work, Ted. I'm thrilled. It
took me considerable more time to get through this set. Don't know if it is brain-fade season around here, but the nomenclature tends to bend my head a little sometimes. Love the dissection of an Exhaust, and Swing Trading was second favorite. Need to get good, long term data for Yearly and Quarterly charts. I think that I can see where all this going ... heading into FLOW. Looking quite forward to the final batch of Lessons. When are they due?

FYI ..
It is somewhat confusing to pose a question about upcoming LTP activity while referring to HTP charts that already include the net result of that LTP
activity. It makes the actual question a little bit confusing. It may not be worth changing, though. Just thought I'd mention it for future use.


Re: Lessons 21-25 Comments

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:08 am
by pldot
Many, many thanks for the feedback, details and piddling things as well as substantive comments. Always grateful for the information, and will incorporate in due course. Helpful.

Next and final round of Lessons in good shape; likely three weeks out. We are in great shape but still have a few essay sections to write, then final assembly and check, which is already half done.