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Lesson 15

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 7:39 am
by Trader Question
Looked over the marked chart you sent. Clearer now , "Charlie Speak" aside.
Lesson 15, Sec.1 Screen 26 of 112 says the CL connects Iso H/L w/ Trend Reversal bar. Marked chart says CL has nothing to do w/ TRev bar. Also no
mention that must use first 2-3 bars after Iso H/L as in marked chart. Screen 31 and 32 marked ".AVI to come" had more diverse charts that may
clarify when text available. Looking at today's action in the pit S&P and the last 4 days the CL up would be very steep (from Iso L to nxt bar) and a
close below it today means pushing down already. May seem like obsessing about CL but want to be clear as I'm into L16 now and applying what has been learned.


Re: Lesson 15

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 7:40 am
by pldot
I think we need to add the corner line explanation to the list of those screens which need to be touched up when we do a revision. I have had several questions and comments similar to yours.

Re: Lesson 15

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 7:43 am
by Trader Question
Can't imagine the work involved in putting the lesson together, more so when "Charlie Speak" is factored in although you probably speak that
language now. My feeling is that if you get many people to start the lessons very few will ever finish. Too complicated for most "traders". No one
telling them what to do and when and must think for themselves. Most are afraid of that dirty four letter word Charlie's is so fond of in the books,
WORK, WORK, WORK! If I hadn't had the experience I've had I would have had an extremely difficult time of it. (More so than now) Helps when you've had a great deal of time on the screen watching, understanding price movement. Getting the feel of the mkt, etc.. I look back on some of the "tools", and I use the term very loosely, I tried in past and laugh. After browsing through a recent issue of Stock & Comm. I was telling my wife what a joke all those things are. Those tools are so far removed from price that they can't work. Same old things. And if you don't understand how price moves and what that means then you're really lost. I will tell you that I wish I had this info long ago. Things happen for a reason I believe and DG came along at the right time, when I was ready for it.


Re: Lesson 15

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 7:44 am
by pldot
You know, I do sympathize with the amount of work this takes for the student -- more and we though when we started, more than one miht like. On the other hand we have tried to make it really worthwhile and hope that it is in fact so. It really is true that when you look at what else is available, even from very sophisticated sources, they don't stand up by comparison. SO I guess what we did was worth the effort. Looking forard to you completing the course and flying like a rocket through the markets...