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Sure Foot Trades

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:41 am
by Trader Question
What's the difference between SFT-1 and 3. I don't see much difference.

In SFT 1, we require monthly close above M pldot or ET so that next month's support is attached to the M-pldot or ET.

In SFT-2 also, last month's close has to be above current month's PLDot, otherwise it becomes SFT-2.

Am I missing something?


Re: Sure Foot Trades

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:42 am
by pldot
I assume you mean difference between 1 and 2, not 1 and 3,

#1 is a trend run that continues and how to get aboard, whereas #2 is a trend run that does not continue but instead turns around and enters congestion. This implies that they look the same at the start, and the difference comes in monitoring them to see what is occurring as it occurs... htp conditions can be different of course, which would have en effect...