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Lesson 9 - Words of Encouragement Required

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 11:22 am
by Trader Question
I'm having trouble with the different time frames portrayed on some of the DG examples. For example, Lesson 9, Screens 26 & 27. Screen 26 portrays the Monthly HTP with 5-2 down formation closing near the low of the "final" bar of the year (Hi price of 124�, Lo price of 120� and a close near the low). On Screen 27(Weekly FOCUS Chart) the weekly price action portrays the "same" price ranges but the action is into the NEXT year. Is screen 27's price action the same as the final bar in screen 26? or did the "ensuing" price action into 1999 repeating the same price range. Too confusing.... I don't see how you can trade this.

I'm getting discouraged, getting too wrapped repeating lessons. I want to know where all the lessons are heading. If I could see how the course would help assess the days action and prepare for tomorrow's price action it would be helpful. How do you know to trade off of a 5-2 down or a 5-9 down?

Also, I still can't get my screens to look like the examples on the website. Very discouraged!!!!

It would be extremely helpful to have a current day's price action on the website and solicit comments from the advanced PL students showing how they approach tomorrow's trading based on the prior price action.

While I had to drop the lessons for a while (job change, relocation, failed computer, etc), it's been a slow slow process for me. Then I got to lesson 12 and felt I needed to go back and revisit some of the former lessons. I must be thick headed. While I can see the 5-2's 6-1's and other lines I get confused with the overall picture. Are there trading rules to come, setup configurations?... stop loss settings, money management... maybe I should just go head on and finish all of the lessons and then go back and revisit earlier lessons.

At this point, I'm quite discourage... I need to talk to an advanced student or someone using P&L techniques in their daily trading maybe then I'll get the strength to carry on. Unfortunately, I've lost all of the email addresses from the earlier DG students you asked to contact me when I purchase the course as a result of my failed computer. I hate to be a burden, but I need to get some encouraging words to carry on.

Re: Words of Encouragement Required

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 11:22 am
by pldot
Sounds like it's time for a little consultation. Why don't you call me after the market closes today and we'll set a time.