I wanted to compliment you on a wonderful course. I ordered the full course exactly two months ago, and today the light bulb finally went on - you mentioned several times in the course how you start to "see" it.
I wanted to tell you a little story. About a month ago, I was muddling through this, and stumbled across one of Mr. Drummond's audio clips, in which he mentioned that at some point (and I'm paraphrasing here) that one would react in anger and frustration. Funny, because that's what I was experiencing at that EXACT moment

. So, I returned to the material, went through the course again, and then things started clicking. I designed a simple little system on TradeStation that used the tools intraday on the big-cap stocks in which the results were eye-opening. If it weren't for commissions, one could literally trade this into quick prosperity. This would be a perfect system for single-stock futures because the round turns are so much cheaper (very difficult to trade large blocks of INTC and MSFT profitably even at a commission of .005 per share).