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Lesson 30

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:06 pm
by DGWizard
I am doing lesson 30-thank God, In lesson 30, you mentioned that there are many other sft's that you will post on the institute. Where can I find them? Please send the link.


Re: Lesson 30

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:10 pm
by pldot
There are a lot of video postings to the Institute, including many market studies, and many theoretical studies; some of these have great value indeed, and some do relate to sure-foot trades. You can find the top-level table of contents at . But when you explore the links on he archive page you will find many postings under each of these categories, so dig a bit and you can see all that is there.

Congrats on approaching the completion of the course -- no small acccomplishment. Let me know if you'd like a diploma when you're done.