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TS New Build Update

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 1:55 pm
by Trader Question
I just updated TS to the new build. I received numerous error messages similar to the one attached.

It seems to dislike the old weekly and flow…I guess.

In any case, I simply closed the weekly window. Opened a new chart window and inserted the weekly analysis techniques. Things are fine. I closed TS saving the new build (and weekly chart rebuild). I reopened to see if this would be an ongoing problem. It seems not. I think all is well once you simply rebuild a weekly chart (which took less than a minute).


Re: TS New Build Update

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:01 pm
by pldot
Yes, I had the same experience today. Nothing like getting a hundred error messages and essentially tying up TS completely.

I did some detective work and came up with the same solution as you did... but I did also find that the issue lies with having the daily and the weekly data streams on the weekly chart using different data compressions. In other words if both the daily and the weekly say "4 years back" then it works OK; but if the daily says 3000 bars back and the weekly says 4 years, then no go.

Rebuilding the chart is an easy solution.. will investigate a bit further.

TS is driving us nuts as it changes things with no warning and the implications for our software can be significant. Our current worry is that TS had made/is making major changes in the way it handles data in an effort to speed their processes.

Thanks for the suggestion.