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Questions about the Course

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 3:41 pm
by Trader Question
Out of curiosity, are there any current plans for an updated and revised version of the existing DG/P&L software for Tradestation? If
so, when should it be expected for release?

To date, in your opinion, how receptive have the trading communities(professional and nonprofessional) in the U.S., Europe and Asia been to DG/P&L?

What impressions and differences have you gotten from those in the U.S. vs Europe vs Asia who have expressed an interest in DG/P&L?

Lastly, does Mr. Drummond or you have any plans to implement refinements or enhancements to the current DG/P&L course in the future?


Re: Questions about the Course

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 3:46 pm
by pldot
=== we are working on this and will release sometime in the not-too-distant future. No specific date.

===we don't pay much attention to the trading community as such. Our customers are enthusiastic.

===Hard to answer. US traders tend to have a broader background in technical analysis but otherwise perhaps little difference.

===Barring adverse events he will be doing an extended series of movies enhancing the expanding the Lessons; these should start in the fall and continue for a while. We have some enhancements that he has been fiddling with but I don't know if he will include them in the movies he is working on or not. If we can muster the time and energy and the technical issues, and if Charlie's health holds, we may do some electronic seminars late in the year, but that is only in the concept stage at present.

Re: Questions about the Course

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:04 am
by Trader Question
You mentioned that you don't use Tradestation as a broker, could you tell me who you use? ( assuming you would reccomend them)

Also, how does the your DG software work;
Is it a disk, and/ or a download?
Does it come with a tutorial CD?
Can I use it on any computer that I have Tradestation on, or is there a separte liscence/ cost for each machine I run it on?
Any other info you have on specifics would be appreciated.


Re: Questions about the Course

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:05 am
by pldot
I use several brokers.... IB, Lind, and FXMC. IB and FXMC seem fine; Lind is a back up and is more costly.

The DG software is delivered by e-mail; it is keyed to your TradeStation customer ID number and will run on any machine you have tradeStation installed on. We supply it with installation and operating instructions but not trading instructions as that is covered by the course materials.